Elise's lucky day
My wrist has been bothering me for several months, and I've kept thinking that if I take it easy and don't use it much, it'll get better... and it will until I make the mistake of, say, moving the coffee table, or wrestling with Jacob. Then I'm back to square one. Well, last night at kung fu, I did something wrong and it started hurting worse than usual. My sifu took a look at it and said it was inflamed and needed to be rubbed out. He asked me before he started "This is going to hurt. Do you want something to squeeze or bite on to?" I said no. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure my fingernails are still embedded in the arm of the couch I was sitting on and my arm now looks like a ripe plum. Needless to say, despite feeling better in some ways, my arm is pretty useless today.
When I got to work this morning, I was walking to clock in, and this crazy bird came out of the blue and swooped at my head, chirping like it was trying to attack me. It tried to peck my head off 3 times on the way to clock in and twice on the way back to the office. I found out later (though I figured this was the case as soon as it started) that it has a nest in one of the trees in our retail center which is, consequently, right along a major pathway.
After my bird attacks, I was asked if I could stay till 6:30 and fill in for Robyn in the retail center (who is sick all week apparently). That will be a little over a 10 hour work day for me. The best part is that I think they want me to do it all week. That means I get to be out in 90 degree weather watering plants with a gimpy arm and being attacked by a killer bird all afternoon. AND I don't get to see Jacob (or eat) till 7 :(
wish me luck!
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at at 1:18 PM
Elise - I love your blog. I totally laughed about the baggy couch cover story. lol! You need to check out my blog, too. I'll email you a link.