InVitro in California

So I know I am terrible at blogging, but I thought this deserved a quick post. Today I am in California lying flat on my back (yes, typing on the laptop is extremely awkward...) hoping and praying that the 2 blastocysts that were transferred into me this morning decide to implant themselves :) It's the tail end of an InVitro session we just did with Dr. Richard Marrs. He comes into Utah every other month to do a bunch of sessions with Dr. Richards, but he is based here in Los Angeles. Because they are working on a fancy new lab in Utah, they don't yet have the ability to do the ICSI procedure that Jacob and I need. They told us they would by January, but they didn't... so due to the fact I'll only have good maternity insurance through April 2012, we decided to not chance waiting any longer and just come to California. So, my mother, Jacob's mother, and I drove down here last Tuesday and have been staying with Jacob's wonderful grandmother, Barbara, in San Dimas for the last 9 days. Jacob flew in and spent the weekend here, but needed to get back for classes (that Accounting Jr. Core is pretty intense... I went to an accounting social function with Jacob a couple months ago and one girl told me her husband was studying in the hospital while she was in labor... so, yeah. pretty intense :). It was great to have him here, and even when he's not, I couldn't have asked for better company than Rhonda, Betsy, Leanne, and Barbara. I'm blessed to have so many wonderful women in my life!
It's been a long process, filled with shots, hormones, and so many blood tests that by the end no one could find a vein through all the bruising. I also found out I should have brought some bigger pants with me because egg-retrieval makes me extremely bloated... like looking like I'm 4 months along bloated. All this, and I haven't even mentioned the emotional toll it's taken (and still will take) on both of us, which just may be the worst part... that or the shots. i really hated those. In short, my hat is off to anyone else who has gone through this, because it is not a walk in the park.
We have some more fertilized eggs that we're waiting to see if turn into blastocysts by tomorrow so we can freeze them. I sure hope so, cause I produced 24 of those little buggers, and if only 2 take, that will be pretty depressing... and expensive. This has just under a 50% chance of working, and we should know in several weeks. So in the mean time, we'll be praying that these little blastocysts hang on, and also that we'll be able to handle the let down if they don't this time. I am fairly optimistic however, and very excited. Thanks for everyone's prayers and good vibes they've been sending our way! And also thank you to my dad and Jacob's dad who have graciously lived without their wives for 2 weeks so that I could have their support, and also for feeding and entertaining Jacob. Lastly, thank you to everyone else who's taken care of my husband while I've been gone... Papa Murphy's included :)


  1. Elise and Jacob,
    Just know you are in our prayers!

  2. I am SO hoping for you! I'm good at sending good vibes so consider them sent!

  3. Elise and Jacob,
    I hope everything works out for you.
    Love Jared and Eden

  4. That's exciting! Best of luck, got my fingers crossed. You'd be such a cute mom Elise. I really hope this works out for you two.

  5. So, you know you REALLY need to make a new post when the baby is almost 2 weeks old! :-) (Who has time to blog when they have a baby?)